Well, Bear asked for a blog post, and a blog post I shall write... about an hour after taking off from Manila so... plane blog... there wouldn’t be a blog at all but the creepy old man in the departure lounge, and the idea that the flight’ll probably be as weird as it was last time, seemed like as good a topic as any. So, I’ll keep a time log, and talk about anything exciting/bizarre/annoying/whatever, what comes along as I fly. I apologise in advance and won’t be bothered to see tl;dr from anyone if it comes to that... Heh. Wodin help me.
So, my mum’s flying over in May for a birthday, and I get the stroke of luck of having my ticket booked along with hers and getting to fly home business class this year. Which is awesome, since on the way to Manila, I had the bad luck of a) redirecting a flight, b) missing a flight, c) having 4 stopover points and d) getting food poisoning. Oh, and I had to fill out a Chinese visa, which no one told me until I was, um, lost in Beijing. Of course, by this point the food poisoning had also sunk it. So... KLM, don’t let me down (please) this year. Same for any deities, the likes of which I know to be fickle, but as of late largely helpful.
Sitting in the longue, and there’s an elderly Dutch man opposite me. Bad burns on his legs, and within five minutes, he’s whistling... incessantly. Thankfully he stopped – in time to start singing. I lent him my men, thinking he’s just a baffled old man, and he needed one to borrow, and he asks where I’m from, I say Scotland. So he starts singing about Scotland and giving me creepy looks. Returns my pen, then every five minutes shouts a question or a statement at me across the room, so I sink into my chair, pretend I’m writing – eventually I did end up writing – and answer... reluctantly. The trouble set in, mostly, when he started informing me LOUDLY of what his medication was, and announces rather proudly that he’s just taken 2 Viagra. I left the longue early and sat by the gate with my coffee instead.
There’s also about 30 or 40 pounds to pay to get in and out of the airport... Immigration tax being the most expensive. Now, thought I had all the money I needed for that, turns out, not so much. Of course I was only 30 pesos short, which by my estimation is about 40p. I thrust a couple of pound coins at the woman in desperation to make up the extra and she apparently decided to take pity on me. Then my belt set off the machine... Damn it, mother, I didn’t want to wear a belt while I was flying for EXACTLY this reason. Also, forgot my rings. Those of you who know me for never taking the damn things off, I apologise for all the panicking I will do for the first few weeks in Scotland while I keep forgetting I left them in Manila. Bear, I went through roughly the same panic over my skraeling pendant...
Right, chronologically, this is when I started up the writing of the blog entry. For anyone who cares. I have half a page of ‘Hide the ale! It’ll slow them down! Run for the hills, run for your life!’ written down in a notebook, which is what I took out the laptop for... then remembered I promised a blog post. I’ll start writing that soon. For now, I too am rather fond of KLM’s entertainment system. If I watch any films/listen to any cds I’ll let you know. For now, I have ‘Blaze of Glory’ by Bon Jovi playing and I’ve set myself up a sort of stilted playlist mostly made up of 80s music and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
I just finished my book, too, so I’m glad I packed a second... ‘The Crystal Shard’ by R.A. Salvatore and whenever I get it out of the overhead hanger, I have the 5th book in the Legend of Drizzt Do’Urden books too. Which, since at least 3 people gave me incredulous looks for buying the first of the books and not knowing what they were about, I’m rather enjoying, thank you very much. My suitcase – which is somehow within the weight limit despite having 3 dvds, 5 jumpers, 2 pairs of jeans and 20+ books in it – has the first 8 in the series in there.
Before I stop writing for now, the song is now ‘Lay All Your Love On Me’ by ABBA. What can I say, for all that my ipod usually plays Turisas or Tyr now – damn you Bear – or those random songs that remind me of random people – Uil, for example, has a song by Jon Mclauglin, that reminds me of him, or ‘Nancy the Tavern Wench’ reminds me of the Bridge of Allan Brewery. Where I intend to be on Friday once I get there from Aberdeen... My ticket was booked for the 11th, I just need to go and pick it up and hope I did it right, staying with a family friend overnight in Aberdeen. Right, back to fiction.
Discovering ‘The Big Bang Theory’ while I eat lunch. Apparently KLM business class gets you a ridiculous amount of courses but at least this time it seems mostly edible, if... complicated. Anyway, show. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is now fantastic. I love it. I’m going to have to learn it. And that’s about as far I can comment... humour is on and off but I like it... and since my Dad gave me a jumper from the show without knowing it was from a show for Christmas... well yes. Adorable, mind you. Especially Sheldon. Also the air hostesses have decided, already, that I’m mad. Hoorah for funny looks! I arrived wearing a fedora, with my laptop in a pillow case, and then took off my shoes and promptly lost the left one.
Just occurred to me you’re going to have 14+ hours of me rambling on this entry... I’m guessing 6 into them, I’ll be cursing the size of the plane even in business class, and ranting about being trapped in a flying tin can... Also while it’s on my mind... There’s a Filipino singer called Freddie Aguiler, got famous worldwide in the ‘70s. Went to his bar two days ago, to see some live singers, which were fantastic. Second set, his son Jeriko and his band come on. Got talking to Jeriko between sets, and he’s actually an awesome chap. Turns out the band usually play rock and metal but they didn’t want to scare the non-regulars off, so when I told him that was up my street, they played it in the second set. I’d recommend – dunno if he’s on youtube but – looking up ‘Jeriko Aguiler and the Anak Band’... I think they’re called.
The rest of the bar was an interesting experience. I managed to accidentally start if off quite a bit after dinner by downing a double shot of Malibu. Don’t ask how. Followed by a Wodin’s Wroth – which was amusing in that the barman didn’t quite catch the ‘in a glass’ part and poured my Jaeger INTO the bottle of beer. Got it into a glass second time by standing in front of the bar and pointing at things in something of a fluster. Then managed to nod off between sets, convince my mother I was sober, then down a coffee.
Well, watching ‘How I Met Your Mother’ now... An episode I’ve seen before, I do like this show. Got a copy of the Bro Code at home, haha. On the other hand... Certain aspects of this episode ring true to two things in my life. One speaks for itself if I say ‘release the berserker’ was a quote from the episode, while the other one is far, farrrrrrrr too similar to how I feel about my parents. And to stop the gloomy chain of thought I’m going to say Neil Patrick Harris is *g*. “I am so happy that he is angry that I will cover the cost of that window crank!” Also, finally have my table to myself. No tray, or salt tubs to knock over and barely miss my laptop. Discovered before watching How I Met Your Mother – which just finished – that I also tear up at the song ‘Remember When’ by Alan Jackson and I’ll leave those who know why it makes me upset to keep it to themselves.
Yes, yes. Blame Bear, he’s the one who asked me to write a blog post. I have far too many hours to go, and a plug for my battery, so I won’t be going anywhere in a hurry. The screen says 11 hours... Ye gods, I actually thought I’d been up here longer... Incidentally I don’t have an encyclopaedia to hand so not quite sure what country either of those towns are in but I’d hasten a guess it’s near or in Thailand. Finished one of my stories – a short one. Get muses when I’m travelling, apparently. Which I suppose makes up for the necessity. Meph, if you see this, I’ll write that story I owe you with mini Cooper and Ben in it in a bit. Listening to ‘Phantom of the Opera’ while I type... Not the most fantastic muse for writing about an imaginary friend so bear with me until the next song plays. ;)
Slightly disappointed revelation as I look at the flight path on the monitor that I don’t fly over much in the way of Norse lands, as it were, but it looks wobbly enough that I might come over Miklagård – Istanbul. I might cut the corner of the Rus, too. And it should worry me more that most of my geographical and political knowledge is ten centuries behind. Someone asked me who the prime minister was in Scotland, and the most I could come up with was ‘well it’s not the traitor I voted for’. I had to google it, for Wodin’s sake. On that subject if anyone but me ever manages to see this blog entry, I owe the hanged god ale and an apology for grumbling about his sense of humour. Hello paranoia.
First of all the map... I’m an idiot... was probably over China last time but don’t quote me on that. Listening to Biffy Clyro simply because they’re Scottish. Quite fond of ‘Know Your Quarry’ though, since I’ve never heard them before I didn’t really know their music by name. And yes I was going to wait a bit before posting to the blog again but ssh, it’s keeping me occupied. Taking my mind off stuff. What I was actually opening this up to say was one of the air hostesses has just run off with my hat, and I suspect it’s the same chappy from before. Three years ago I travelled in a fedora – different fedora – and the guy borrowed my hat at the start of the flight and then came back wearing it 2 hours later. I’ll ask if he’s the same guy, or if KLM employees just have some sort of fetish for hats, or a kleptomaniac streak... When he returns. Possibly 2 hours later. I am amused.
Also I hadn’t never realised how big China was until I paid this much attention to a flight tracker.
And I’m not correcting the grammar above because it’s amusingly awful, and I don’t know how I managed to abandon grammar enough to get there. Possibly I need to sleep. ....I possibly need to sleep? Sleep. I need it. Oh, and finished the imaginary friend story. I have one thing to say... Frakking toasters! And I don’t mean you, Kitty, but then again I was a frakking-but-utterly-inept-at-being-evil-or-winning-the-war-but-not-bad-at-accidentally-saving-the-human-race-so-sort-of-traitorous-to-the-cylons-instead toaster, not a poptart. *cough* Just happens to be a toaster in the story, and ‘Battlestar Galactica’ on my wallpaper. KLM should have more sci-fi on it’s entertainment system if you ask me. But someone is murdering ‘One Song Glory’ from Rent there instead. Or maybe I’m more used to the movie version of the song... but damned if I know what to write next...
Aha! Dawkins, I owe you a story too, don’t I. I’ll write that, while I’m trapped here.
I think. I didn’t look at the map but we just hit turbulence... which we were supposed to hit around the Himalayas, if the pilot knows what he’s talking about, and somehow I rather hope that he does... Possibly we’re not that far yet, again, geography, damn you.
The turbulence is now important enough to be deemed worthy of the fasten seatbelt sign and the worried air hostess walk. That, or the air hostesses are fond of Monty Python and we’re about to be informed that the emergency photo stamps are located on the seat in front of us and the wings are not on fire. Listening to Burlesque; to save David choking on another cup of tea, that would be a movie soundtrack, and I’m rather fond of Cher and ‘You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me Yet’. Heh. Oh, and onto another story, this one featuring a world war 2 RAF Captain and a half German ifrit Major I’ve not written in a while. Yes, you read that right.
I’m not sure if this blog entry isn’t turning into a combination of a diary, a rant, writing report, and various pseudo-reviews/recs...
9 hours and 40 minutes left to go. 39, now. Sudden childish temptation to post how many minutes to go from here until I get bored but I shall resist. Fasten seatbelt sign is off so that’s the turb—okay, that I jinked. We’re aimed towards Beijing on the map.
9 hours 38 minutes... ;)
I can’t say I know how timezones work – Hel, I need to keep clocks on my desktop to know the time in Scotland, Canada and Manila and I should be better at keeping up with all three. Anybody know why the world map has a symbol of a sun a little to the right of India? It’s not dead centre, or certain with the part of the map shaded to say it’s daytime either. Another question; I’ve finally caved and put on Turisas. Anyone know where Holmguard is? I keep forgetting to look it up and I’ll doubtless forget by the time I get to Scotland. Plus, the song is called ‘Miklagård Overture’ but they call the city by Constantinople... *head tilt* Were the two names simultaneous, I always assumed one predated the other. And of course now it’s Istanbul.
Still waiting for my hat. Tried to stand up to get something from my bag and got my legs tangled up in the 10 buttons it takes to adjust the seat position. Also brought down the 5th Drizzt book, which is apparently called ‘Streams of Silver’. I can only assume Bruenor managed to drag the drow on that quest he wanted but I won’t know until I open the books. To quote the back of the book... “If you only ever read one fantasy saga in your life, read this one”. Good advice, although I’d say this one, plus ‘Lord of the Rings’.
Just watched ‘Megamind’. Film number 1. You might want to skip this part if you’ve not seen the film yet. Almost reminded me of ‘Dr Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog’ at the start, but the film had me at ‘here is your minion and here is your binkie’. Megamind is BEYOND fantastic, mind you. Always been a sucker for a witty villain blue or... otherwise. Metroman, the Master, Dr Facilier... Anyway. He is... so cute when he gets his window. Got all watery-eyed at the big argument with Minion, too. I’m turning into a sucker. And when the girl upset him. The look on his face *whimper* bitch. Slightly bemused by his last cape, on another matter, which looks like what the Time Lords used to wear in the council in the old episodes of Doctor Who. But, you know, evil and studded and spiked and inside a giant robotic suit. And then it blew up and looked more like a spider.
“The hero strikes the first blow but evil returns with a backhand!” is the line where I lost the resolve to stop laughing out loud. And hey, Peacock, I see someone fence, I think of you. On a similar note, looking forward to seeing everyone, but back to the story. More points up for the film? EXPLOSIONS! And Megamind’s insane fanboy moments. Like stroking Metroman’s face. And the twist to the story near the end with beard-y Metroman. Cons? Well, for one Titan mostly got on my mind until the “under new management” line. And there’s more but I’m not really in the thinking state... little slow in the middle? Still... there’s a good moral to be had from Megamind... amazingly. I’m with him on some things... some very poignant things. Enjoyed the film. I end on this note: “Oh Minion. You fantastic fish, you.” Oh. And the soundtrack. Fantastic rock n’ roll soundtrack. ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ fit fantastic. Guns n’ Roses, for anyone – please say there’s no one – who doesn’t know it.
And I will say I’m amused that, while trying to escape, the girl thought it would be a good idea to climb into a fountain and hide. Wait what?
Oh and I have my hat back, the lights just dimmed, and I’m tempted to try and kip now ‘cause I’ve been up since 5.30am. Kip, or read for a bit. I hate flying. 1, I’ve hit the ‘aargh flying tin can’ stage, and 2, I do. Not. Idle. -_______-; 7 hours to go. 17 minutes if I’m being pedantic. 5969km at 9147m. One hell of an altitude to blog from. And Bear you better be grateful for how long this is... Time for ‘Rhapsody’ then. Of all the artists to help me sleep... That, or ‘Mordred’s Lullaby’, which has personal meaning again. Speaking of personal meanings, I discovered last night that one of the wingding fonts on my computer is called ‘Elder Futhark’... how did I miss this?!
Never realised until now that the ‘Tron: Legacy’ soundtrack has a speech track on it. Kevin Flynn’s voice in my ipod gave me a heart attack. Although for anyone out there who was spared the couple of weeks where I was obsessed with Tron, I recommend watching either of the films, new or old, if you haven’t yet. Genius, and in the 2010 version (admittedly not the first) fantastic CGI. All glow-y and ooooooh. One of the things that makes me into a magpie, glow-y. Also boom-y, Normannis or shiny. Sudden craving for that fight I’ve been promised on Friday as well as the pint... Not particularly sleepy after all so trying to decide what film to watch and finishing the WW2 story. Possibly see if my battery lets me play Dragon Age for a bit ‘cause I’ve not played it in weeks. Yep. Let’s go with slaughtering things with a Grey Warden casteless dwarf that for some bizarre reason is already at the highest level. I blame my brother for that one time he was tinkering with my computer but meh, I’m too sentimental to start over, I already managed to lose all my save data for the character except the latest one. Long story. Right, game.
Or not. I got as far as learning I was in the Diamond Quarter of Orzamar and then it crashed. I’ll try it on the ground. Hey, do I get points for blogging from at least 3 countries’ air space so far? One of which is almost the Rus/is the Rus. Not sure.
“Feels Like Home”, Brother Bear 2.
Watched: The Simpsons, Two and a Half Men, and now NCIS. Nothing interesting to report because the lights are still down and things are getting boring. Or, rather, have reached that stage. Who knew all I had to do to get to sleep on a plane was bore myself to death with the entertainment system and fly on my own. Which makes me sound ungrateful, don’t get me wrong, it’s a great machine. Just so... something relatively interesting comes up, chappy beside me has been making a photo album on his Mac since we took off what must be 7 hours ago.
5 ½ hours to go. It’s noon in the UK, 5am in Canada, and 8pm in the Philippines. I’m nearly over Russia, and I’m going to bed.
Well I’d like to say I slept but it was more that I sort of... lay down to get some sleep, and realised that if food was served while I was sleep anybody in my vicinity would have a metal knife in their hand, and my back could get in the way. Hello paranoia. So, I had something approaching sleep, while silently assuming that everyone else on the plane had it in for me, which isn’t really sleep at all. Woke up, and saw my neighbour watching a film, and this next bit might – no, will – come as a surprise to anybody who has ever heard me talk about it. I came to the decision that for all my complaints of the film – and ironically the ‘info:’ section under the movie on the entertainment system actually addressed my main complaint – it is a film about a 12th century archer who knows how to use a sword and does just that. Yes, finally watching Russell Crowe’s version of ‘Robin Hood’. I’ll just force myself to accept that creative licensing has been considerably taken, enjoy the scenery and the battles, and settle down to grumble for a few hours. I suspect I might not hate it as much as I’ve sworn blind I would, but if it lives up to my expectations I’ll console myself with the Disney version being on the entertainment system too, since I usually watch it when I’m flying. *salutes*
Spoilers again.
Well okay, he film starts off interestingly, I will give it that. And at the very least appears to understand it’s history, even if it has a... bizarre idea of Robin Hood’s usual given surname. First time I’ve read it that he served directly under the Lionheart in the Crusades too but still, interesting. I apologise in advance for what I now will turn into a bi-polar ramble. And hmm... My mother – who will not hear a good word said about the Crusades – would probably enjoy this film’s portrayal of King Richard.
Wow. Flaming arrow fire!! And a fantastic longbow. I’m going to have to forget I’ve seen how that trick works before my alter ego gets ideas... ok fine, film is alright so far. I still have less than high hopes about the plot. “Richard the Lionheart is 40 years old. Or more. And no babies.” Blunt way to put John’s so-called claim to the throne. Disney says it well – incredible as he is inept, whenever the history books are kept, they’ll call him the phoney King of England! A pox on the phoney King of England! And... are there two chappies called Locksley in the Crusade or does Robin just sound Welsh in one scene and English in the next? Now that he’s done decking the King? And... looks like it is. How did Robin’s father end up on the Crusades, or is it a brother? *confused*
On an unrelated note there is a gorgeous sunset outside.
Glad the French speak French amongst each other and not English with a French accent. No, wait, I speak too soon. When the French start talking to the English they lose their accent... I agree with what I’ve been told. Accents in this film are more than inconsistent. NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT ROBIN BECOMING AN OUTLAW FOR BEING A DESERTER, which is how it looks to be turning. That’s not the Robin Hood who was my childhood hero, fictional or no... And wait wait wait... Robin of Locksley is... not Robin Hood now? And he’s not from Nottingham? Second chap called Locksley, I assumed he was a relative earlier on... *head tilt* Okay, okay, I’ll stop ranting about irregularities. The film’s interesting me, I’ve not turned it off yet...
Oh, hello Will Scarlet. Do you have the right name, Stutely? And... Friar Tuck? (: Marion is badass, and so far reminds me more of Robin than Robin does.
Gods she wasted no time in crowning John, did she? And damn it, lost my place in the film.
Found it again. And yes, Marion is more Robin than Robin by my estimation so far... but um... how did she end up married to the real Robin... I thought Marion was supposed to be of noble blood. Hmm. Still, I like the actor playing the Sherriff of Nottingham. And the not-quite-Merry-Men... Especially Little John. Pri- King John so far is a coward, a thief and a bastard. But that I wasn’t denying in any way to begin with. Friar Tuck’s bee-keeping habits are sort of endearing, though. “Where can a man get a... mildly insensible drink around here?”
Mead. Damn it, they’re drinking mead. I want mead... actually come to think of it I’m probably dehydrated, and I could do with some food. Less than 3 hours to go, at least. Did Robin steal the King’s horse? Congratulations, I suppose that’s rather a step above poaching the King’s deer.
Argh, hot cloth, burning. On a less painful note at least the film has humour. And Marion’s panic over removing Robin’s maille is hilarious.
Hmm. I say again, this is not the Robin of my memory. But he is an intriguing character and I shall now adopt Cameron’s address of ‘robbing dude’. For lack of a better name. I am however amused that while Marion is threatening Robin, the dog is licking his hand. Air hostess just came over, wants to know if I’m ‘ready and working’. I nodded. Then said ‘blogging’. She seemed baffled and wandered off.
AHA! ROBIN IS FINALLY BEING ROBIN! Although I have a terrible feeling I’ll miss the end of the film... There’s my noble highwayman... probably! x3
A few things while I catch up on everything. Marion’s gloves are fantastic, reminds me I’ve not bought any for Normannis yet. Got so used to nicking a certain pair and forgot to find somewhere like B&Q in Manila. Is Robin trying to get John to sign the Magna Carta? Maybe it’s not such a bad film after all, just not Robin Hood. Swordsmanship and archery is making me grin either way. My alter ego had a moment of panic when I thought they’d torched Nottingham earlier but we’re okay now. Earned brownie points for rightly calling it England. And oh hoh, I’m actually kind of happy with how they’re dealing with the outlaws of Sherwood Forest versus Robin’s outlaw band. Clever people. Fine, I admit it.
I, however, am bloody starving, agreed to fill in a feedback form for the air hostess, and accidentally let the hostess take away the most of my lunch while I wasn’t paying attention. *grumbles*
I stand corrected maybe they are trying to torch Nottingham. Rattles bones. Also gives me an idea for something, so apologies Rob. Bear, you’ll maybe be pleased.
Battle?! SKAAL!
*Watching film, not losing my place with 20 minutes to go...!
Hell I’m less of a bitter, cynical woman this February. Maybe I don’t mind a bit of romance after all so long as it doesn’t overwhelm the plot.
Mind you, the subtitles for the French read ‘the fires’ while the speaker most definitely said ‘el capitan’. Hmm...
Fenrir’s Fangs the crazy Viagra man just turned up again. I thought I’d lost him in Manila... Not so lucky.
Also wondering how easy it would be to scale the cliffs of Dover. And if Robin is actually at this point an outlaw yet.
Just got a little Dutch house for free. If anyone wants it you’re welcome to it because we have a shelf full of the things in Manila and damned if I can be bothered remembering which ones we don’t have, I just chose one that looked pretty. There’s bourbon inside it, I believe, I might try and get the seal of the top for that at least. No alcohol in the house and I’m reminded, no food. Damn. Since I’m supposed to be in the Brewery some time tomorrow and the field, I better get something on the train. Which I’ve spent most of the plane journey fussing over if I got the booking right for but I reckon I must have. We’ll see when I load up the wifi in Amsterdam.
Hate to admit it but King Philip was wise to turn around when he did.
Finally. The Greenwood as it should be and a shirt of Lincoln green. I’ll hold back final judgement on the film to when I’m more awake but I suppose I owe Ridley Scott an apology. I reckon I’m shutting down the computer for now, since we’ll be landing soon-ish, but maybe I’ll talk to some of you when I’m stuck in Amsterdam a couple hours. ;) More when I get back.
I don’t much like the KLM lounge. They expect certain things of you such as... standards. And not walking in, asking for the wi-fi code, pouring yourself a JD and coke and THEN sitting down. Still, could be worse, could have been something stronger, or less coke, but I suspect I be approaching something almost tipsy now on the account of not having eaten much food. I should remedy that but I need to be at the gate in an hour and I can’t be bothered getting up for the foreseeable future. I am lucky to have Hannah who pointed out I was an hour out of line with my timezones...
Broke into a rendition of 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall with a person I know by name but have never actually met, and over Facebook. Why not?! Also thought I’d lost my passport, found it in the back of my rucksack, thank god. Now, I venture out into the dangerous, unknown-yet-I’ve-been-here-too-many-times world of KLM airport, in hopes of finding the departure gate.
Sitting on the plane. Nearly missed a last minute gate change. Foot acting up again but now here I am, on the home run! ...while still on the ground but I’ll be in Aberdeen by 10pm! Skaal!
I’ve apparently reached the point where I’ve been in the air and been awake too long to feel entirely well. Thus, I’m bloody grumpy. Although the dancing, incredibly camp air hostess was a bit of fun. I don’t know if he was being dared or paid to dance as he did the safety regulations, or is genuinely as camp as ‘The High Life’ or like everybody else on this plane – if the multi-lingual muttering and the snoring is anything to judge by – is just sick of being in a plane. I want to sleep but aargh, not feeling any good at all.
Shall plug myself into the ipod, see if I can actually listen to the whole of the Doctor Who ‘Zagreus’ audio-story for once, and blog if anything of interest appears/happens on the flight. Mind you, very good audio-story of what I’ve managed to stay awake for so far. Zagreus yelling at the TARDIS and calling it ‘ship!’ cracks me up more than is strictly necessary and the Zagreus poem is insanely chilling. Supposed to be a bedtime story. Honestly, with Zagreus, the Toclafane and the Great Vampires as their legends and children’s stories, no wonder the Doctor and half the Gallifreyans in Doctor Who turned out nuts!
Have just watched a bread roll, uh, roll down the aisle. And stop at my feet. Tray table also considerably more aggressive than I expected it to be when I opened it, and I’ve had the worrying pilot announcement of snow in Aberdeen. Gods, must find some socks...
Am I allowed to be paranoid when out of the blue the air hostess addresses me by name? Well. Sort of. In the absence of any ring on my finger or anything to suggest the accusation I’ve just been referred to as ‘Mrs MacDonald’. Weirder part is we had a family friend a week or so ago he insisted he should be invited to my imminent wedding, and my gran trying to match-make me... When I started dating the guy I’m with my mother told so many people that when I walked into the coffee shop in December I was first acknowledged as ‘oh, are you Mrs MacDonald’s daughter?’ then asked ‘how’s the boyfriend’. *facepalm* I can’t decide if my mother’s strange and premiere enthusiasm in my existence is supposed to be a good thing or not.
Playing solitaire. Boredom has reached an all-time low.
Home, and finally posting.
Redjay's Roost
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
What have they got above the sand? We've got a hot crustacean band!
Anyone remember the iFish? It's one of those iPod speakers where you can plug in your ipod and tap it and things and, well, it reacts differently to different music and in my case happens to be a hell of a lot louder than my laptop's set of speakers. Well, I have one, or had one, so I went looking around the house and found it at the back of the cupboard after being taken on a traumatising motorcycle ride what taught me I'm quite happy staying on my own two feet thank you very much. Half an hour later I've found a screwdriver, batteries, and the cable that plugs it into an iPod. Sure, there are loose wires, but phfpht. I doubt there's enough power in that thing to actually shock me. So... A certain former guardsman told me last night that I should update the blog, and I did a sort of pathetic post about books last night so I've deleted it, and here's a much better one about music, and the iFish.
The iFish:
This be the iFish. It's actually pretty adorable, and this is the only video I could find on youtube. I'll say particular thumbs up "If you're going to be vegetarian you should go out, because a fish is still an animal. This particular fish is catching fire right now".
Not to mention for gods' sake, that's impressive, all boom-y and flame-y and it's tail didn't melt?!
See, the iFish got a lot of bad press, and I'm not sure why. The only issue I've ever found with it is occaisionally the music gets too loud and it's little speakers start to sort of fizz and I have to turn it down for a bit but that's fine, all technology has it's twitches if you overheat them(just make sure they don't turn twitchless and you're doing great!). A little work on Google and I'm informed that the audio isn't 'stereo' and I'm not quite enough of a geek to be sure what that means but taking a wild guess I think the audio is out-dated. Not much matter, 'cause it's still loud enough to be heard - upon more research - through three walls. If my family didn't know the lyrics to a certain Amon Amarth song they do now. It's got a socket in the cable where you can plug in headphones as well instead of using it as speakers.
But as I said, aorable aesthetics - it's tail waves from side to side, and flashes multi-colours which would be soothing if it wasn't quite such a fast cycle, and if music's playing or you talk to it or stroke it's head there's coloured dots on it's head too... but the fact that it has wheels in it's flippers is irritating. If you're trying to sleep (something I discovered last night, this sleep malarky, for the first time in several months) then the gears of it rolling from side to side and eventually knocking the iPod off the table can get on your rat. I found a solution - it can't roll about on fabric.
It's fairly hardy, but I'm not going to push it. I've dropped it more than once I'm sure, and my dog once leapt at it when she was a puppy to the rather hilarious effect that she got scared when she knocked the flipper and it lit up and started moving. I have a cairn terrier - you know, small wild hairy buggers bred to chase and kill things - but even she didn't like it. She was probably behind the holes in the cable, to be fair. Poor pup.
The lights aren't too bright. Which is good if you're trying to kip. They're more calming in the dark too, and mine apparently lines up with a mirror which makes the room look like it's stuck in the Stirling Uni rock night strobe lights. Which reminds me I owe my padawan a drink at Rock Night and the Jedi-Master a drink in the summer. Moving on. I've got it playing Mercedes Lackey now, and it seems to like that, because according to the manual the pattern of lights on it's nose means it's happy. It goes a little crazy if I play something with lots of drums in it but Demonbane is fair enough. Just stroked right down it's nose and the lights changed, which was kind of cool. If I put two fingers on it shakes it's tail a lot so maybe it gets angry if you try to pick it up or something which I suppose is fair enough.
One more 'issue' is that it turns off after 20 minutes but that's debatable. If you fall asleep listening to it the shut-off point is good for your batteries. If you're awake, I guess it's easy enough to lean over and tap one of it's flippers again. All in all? 8/10 from the Lady Redjay tonight.Even if the 'Lady' part is also debatable.
The Music:
Here, I was considering reviewing a particular cd or something, but there's one or two songs I've been listening to far too much lately so I just thought I'd spam you with those a little instead. Couple lines from the song, a video, and why I like it/why I'm listening to it. Consider it something of a music rec.
1) Hold the Heathen Hammer High, by Týr
Hold the Heathen Hammer high with a battle cry
For the pagan past I live and one day will die
Hold the heathen hammer high, never turn away
Down the wayward way so far faring strangers stray
Firstly, this song is fantastically fun to sing. First try it's too fast even for me, which is something I never thought I'd ever get to say. Second, it's a snapshot of a part of my head that's been recently quite violently awakened. Literally. It's amazing what can happen - more than just what I'm saying, to be fair - if someone puts a sword in your hand, gets you a little bit drunk, and teaches you folk songs. Padawan, you have been warned, your turn next. I've already been through step one. The song reminds me of someone who knows who they are too, which is nice, 'cause the bloody Canadians stole him from us in Stirland. *hmph* It's catchy, too. Was walking around the shops singing it the other day.
2) Separate Ways, by Journey
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground
I'm reaching for you, you, you
Went to see Tron: Legacy the other day. Fell in love. Will be hunting down a copy of the original films now so I can continue my fangirlish glee. Similarly, I've also got the last five seasons of Doctor Who to watch on Doctor Who, my response to which will be a squee which will rattle the bones of everyone I know when it happens and I start marathonning. Same goes for my glee at playing Brütal Legend - brother got a PS3 for Christmas - or reading more of the Legend of Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore but I digress. Loved Tron, but I just perked up the second this song started to play, because I've heard it before and loved it. Cue, I have been looping the song for the last couple of days and arrrgh still would loop it. It stands a lot for some of my friendships in particular, too. And I love the old 80s songs like this. *g*
3) Winds of Change, by Scorpions
The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers?
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
My Dad found this on the karaoke machine on Christmas Day, and was pleasantly surprised. So was I, because it's also on his Rock Ballad cd, and I couldn't find the cd to remember what it was called. When I first held it I fell in love with the whistle bit, and for those who understand the word it reminds me of Skraelings, and by extension, the Redjay. It's also got fantastically deep lyrics, which is always a plus, and often why I listen to a song. Lyrics, sexy vocals, fiddle music, or a good rock-y beat. Or the simple fact of it being either Celtic or composed by Murray Gold.
4) Rinzler, by Daft Punk (from the Tron: Legacy OST)
Not sure why this one is being played so much. Simply put, I rather love it?
On an unrelated note, I had some online drama while I was writing this and... the people who matter to me, and who I hope I matter to, you know who you are. Please, please don't ever do what this online person has done. It's like a kick to the stomach and that's all I'm saying on the matter, but I love you guys and I hope you know that. *hug* Anyway, to return to the cheery tone of the blog entry... Skaal, and take care.
edit: Oh and the fish spins in circles I forgot to mention that.
The iFish:
This be the iFish. It's actually pretty adorable, and this is the only video I could find on youtube. I'll say particular thumbs up "If you're going to be vegetarian you should go out, because a fish is still an animal. This particular fish is catching fire right now".
Not to mention for gods' sake, that's impressive, all boom-y and flame-y and it's tail didn't melt?!
See, the iFish got a lot of bad press, and I'm not sure why. The only issue I've ever found with it is occaisionally the music gets too loud and it's little speakers start to sort of fizz and I have to turn it down for a bit but that's fine, all technology has it's twitches if you overheat them
But as I said, aorable aesthetics - it's tail waves from side to side, and flashes multi-colours which would be soothing if it wasn't quite such a fast cycle, and if music's playing or you talk to it or stroke it's head there's coloured dots on it's head too... but the fact that it has wheels in it's flippers is irritating. If you're trying to sleep (something I discovered last night, this sleep malarky, for the first time in several months) then the gears of it rolling from side to side and eventually knocking the iPod off the table can get on your rat. I found a solution - it can't roll about on fabric.
It's fairly hardy, but I'm not going to push it. I've dropped it more than once I'm sure, and my dog once leapt at it when she was a puppy to the rather hilarious effect that she got scared when she knocked the flipper and it lit up and started moving. I have a cairn terrier - you know, small wild hairy buggers bred to chase and kill things - but even she didn't like it. She was probably behind the holes in the cable, to be fair. Poor pup.
The lights aren't too bright. Which is good if you're trying to kip. They're more calming in the dark too, and mine apparently lines up with a mirror which makes the room look like it's stuck in the Stirling Uni rock night strobe lights. Which reminds me I owe my padawan a drink at Rock Night and the Jedi-Master a drink in the summer. Moving on. I've got it playing Mercedes Lackey now, and it seems to like that, because according to the manual the pattern of lights on it's nose means it's happy. It goes a little crazy if I play something with lots of drums in it but Demonbane is fair enough. Just stroked right down it's nose and the lights changed, which was kind of cool. If I put two fingers on it shakes it's tail a lot so maybe it gets angry if you try to pick it up or something which I suppose is fair enough.
One more 'issue' is that it turns off after 20 minutes but that's debatable. If you fall asleep listening to it the shut-off point is good for your batteries. If you're awake, I guess it's easy enough to lean over and tap one of it's flippers again. All in all? 8/10 from the Lady Redjay tonight.
The Music:
Here, I was considering reviewing a particular cd or something, but there's one or two songs I've been listening to far too much lately so I just thought I'd spam you with those a little instead. Couple lines from the song, a video, and why I like it/why I'm listening to it. Consider it something of a music rec.
1) Hold the Heathen Hammer High, by Týr
Hold the Heathen Hammer high with a battle cry
For the pagan past I live and one day will die
Hold the heathen hammer high, never turn away
Down the wayward way so far faring strangers stray
Firstly, this song is fantastically fun to sing. First try it's too fast even for me, which is something I never thought I'd ever get to say. Second, it's a snapshot of a part of my head that's been recently quite violently awakened. Literally. It's amazing what can happen - more than just what I'm saying, to be fair - if someone puts a sword in your hand, gets you a little bit drunk, and teaches you folk songs. Padawan, you have been warned, your turn next. I've already been through step one. The song reminds me of someone who knows who they are too, which is nice, 'cause the bloody Canadians stole him from us in Stirland. *hmph* It's catchy, too. Was walking around the shops singing it the other day.
2) Separate Ways, by Journey
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground
I'm reaching for you, you, you
Went to see Tron: Legacy the other day. Fell in love. Will be hunting down a copy of the original films now so I can continue my fangirlish glee. Similarly, I've also got the last five seasons of Doctor Who to watch on Doctor Who, my response to which will be a squee which will rattle the bones of everyone I know when it happens and I start marathonning. Same goes for my glee at playing Brütal Legend - brother got a PS3 for Christmas - or reading more of the Legend of Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore but I digress. Loved Tron, but I just perked up the second this song started to play, because I've heard it before and loved it. Cue, I have been looping the song for the last couple of days and arrrgh still would loop it. It stands a lot for some of my friendships in particular, too. And I love the old 80s songs like this. *g*
3) Winds of Change, by Scorpions
The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers?
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
My Dad found this on the karaoke machine on Christmas Day, and was pleasantly surprised. So was I, because it's also on his Rock Ballad cd, and I couldn't find the cd to remember what it was called. When I first held it I fell in love with the whistle bit, and for those who understand the word it reminds me of Skraelings, and by extension, the Redjay. It's also got fantastically deep lyrics, which is always a plus, and often why I listen to a song. Lyrics, sexy vocals, fiddle music, or a good rock-y beat. Or the simple fact of it being either Celtic or composed by Murray Gold.
4) Rinzler, by Daft Punk (from the Tron: Legacy OST)
Not sure why this one is being played so much. Simply put, I rather love it?
On an unrelated note, I had some online drama while I was writing this and... the people who matter to me, and who I hope I matter to, you know who you are. Please, please don't ever do what this online person has done. It's like a kick to the stomach and that's all I'm saying on the matter, but I love you guys and I hope you know that. *hug* Anyway, to return to the cheery tone of the blog entry... Skaal, and take care.
edit: Oh and the fish spins in circles I forgot to mention that.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Vinland Saga 'Review'
Well it's been a decent enough Christmas so far, except that my parents - who in my absence have joined some sort of leather-clad biker gang complete with the mentality of sixteen year olds - have 'new best friends' who came along to Christmas Day with the dad that only speaks Italian and a Filipino bike mechanic... So yeah, as a good friend of mine would put it, I'd have been a lot happier with steel in my hands today but poor Sympathy is sitting in my bed the axe I have recently inherited is at home.Partially hiding behind yesterday's food colouring, I've taken my laptop and been reading a manga called Vinland Saga all day instead of being particularly sociable. Which isn't to say I'm not grateful for things... My brother got me this adorable plushie of L from Death Note, and I'm getting my first driving lessons sometime before I go back to Manila. The house is just too busy. But I've decided - since I'd only actually read a chapter of Vinland Saga before today - that I love the manga, and it deserves some free advertisement, because I can only find them on Amazon in French and, well, they're better than their acclaim.
Vinland is, essentially, Canada, and the manga is set (I think) between about the year 995 and 1013. Or at least so far. Not that it's actually yet set in Vinland, of course. With the exception of flashbacks, it's set in a Dane-occupied England, around 1013. As far as I'm aware - although I'm no expert - it's been historically accurate so far, and it centres around a lad from Greenland (Thorfinn) who wants to avenge his murdered father (Thors). It's written by Makoto Yukimura and it is - bar .Hack// - the only manga I've ever been able to get this deeply 'into'. I've advanced 26 chapters in one afternoon... Warning, possibility of spoilers/language to follow.
This chap is Thorfinn himself; he was much cuter as a little kid in the flashbacks, trust me, and kicked some serious ass at one point with a wooden sword - reminding me of a little kid I once saw running around in an airport waving a toy lightsaber around like a pro... Yeah, that kid was awesome. Anyway. Thorfinn is hit and miss. He's a good guy but his head is not screwed on. He's the son of Thors, and he was raised on the stories by Leif Erikkson. Yep, the Leif, who in Vinland Saga, is somewhat of a crazy sleaze until he starts to focus. Thorfinn's main lot in life is a desperate urge to avenge his murdered father by - and I actually loved this plotline once I worked it out - working for his father's murderer in order to earn the chance to slaughter him in a fair duel.
This is Thors, who is Thorfinn's father. He is epic, and there is no other way to explain it. He's a brilliant warrior and all in all, a good man. And he genuinely cares about his family even if he did sort of hold his daughter's head like a ragdoll a second or so after she was born and refuse to name her. That's when he became a good man, ironically. Anyway! His ending is amazing, and I won't spoil it, but even if you know it's coming, you'll gasp.
This is Askellad (and you have no idea how many times it took me to spell that right...), Thorfinn's boss and Thors' murderer. He's actually pretty cool too, from the first few panels before you realise how much of a bastard he is. And a smug one, at that. But he's got a pretty clever back story which hits so many bells in my head it's uncanny. I can't wait to read on and see where this goes, as well as if Thorfinn gets to kill him or not, so we'll see, we'll see.
And finally, this is Ylfa, Thofinn's sister. She starts off wanting to be slapped, and then goes on to do something amazing and run out to sea with the men to stab a whale so that her family gets first cut of the meat. There's an extra at the end of volume 3 (chapter 21 or so) dedicated to making her seem a little less like a bitch.
Positive Notes:
Vinland is, essentially, Canada, and the manga is set (I think) between about the year 995 and 1013. Or at least so far. Not that it's actually yet set in Vinland, of course. With the exception of flashbacks, it's set in a Dane-occupied England, around 1013. As far as I'm aware - although I'm no expert - it's been historically accurate so far, and it centres around a lad from Greenland (Thorfinn) who wants to avenge his murdered father (Thors). It's written by Makoto Yukimura and it is - bar .Hack// - the only manga I've ever been able to get this deeply 'into'. I've advanced 26 chapters in one afternoon... Warning, possibility of spoilers/language to follow.
This chap is Thorfinn himself; he was much cuter as a little kid in the flashbacks, trust me, and kicked some serious ass at one point with a wooden sword - reminding me of a little kid I once saw running around in an airport waving a toy lightsaber around like a pro... Yeah, that kid was awesome. Anyway. Thorfinn is hit and miss. He's a good guy but his head is not screwed on. He's the son of Thors, and he was raised on the stories by Leif Erikkson. Yep, the Leif, who in Vinland Saga, is somewhat of a crazy sleaze until he starts to focus. Thorfinn's main lot in life is a desperate urge to avenge his murdered father by - and I actually loved this plotline once I worked it out - working for his father's murderer in order to earn the chance to slaughter him in a fair duel.
This is Thors, who is Thorfinn's father. He is epic, and there is no other way to explain it. He's a brilliant warrior and all in all, a good man. And he genuinely cares about his family even if he did sort of hold his daughter's head like a ragdoll a second or so after she was born and refuse to name her. That's when he became a good man, ironically. Anyway! His ending is amazing, and I won't spoil it, but even if you know it's coming, you'll gasp.
This is Askellad (and you have no idea how many times it took me to spell that right...), Thorfinn's boss and Thors' murderer. He's actually pretty cool too, from the first few panels before you realise how much of a bastard he is. And a smug one, at that. But he's got a pretty clever back story which hits so many bells in my head it's uncanny. I can't wait to read on and see where this goes, as well as if Thorfinn gets to kill him or not, so we'll see, we'll see.
And finally, this is Ylfa, Thofinn's sister. She starts off wanting to be slapped, and then goes on to do something amazing and run out to sea with the men to stab a whale so that her family gets first cut of the meat. There's an extra at the end of volume 3 (chapter 21 or so) dedicated to making her seem a little less like a bitch.
Positive Notes:
- Doesn't butter over the bad things. There is blood, there is backstabbing, there are allegations of rape, and it does nothing to deny that they happened, or to pretend that the vikings were a bunch of lovely, lovely people.
- It's consistent in it's art. There's no real change over time, which is one thing that bugs me about the excessive number of webcomics I read?
- Any people who can carry a viking longboat over a hill and convince the locals that they're about to be attacked by a dragon is automatically fantastic, no?
- I love the clothing so very much. Ditto the art, the weapons, and the one-liners. And being a horrible horrible person, watching someone spin Thorfinn around my one arm as easily as he would a ragdoll cracked me right up.
- The geographical/political intrigue is usually something that would bore me, but here, it's fascinating. And balanced out with romance, humour and battle so... yey.
- Gratuitous violence <3
- There's the occasional character who is drawn with a head that defies all rules of actually being able to live and breathe. Like a guy in the first battle, and one aptly nicknamed 'Conehead' later on.
- Thorfinn, although a good character, delves into the realms of emo from time to time...
- I wish there were more flashbacks, but I wouldn't see how it would be possible. Mind you, I have another 30 or so chapters to go, so I might strike gold!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Jumped on the bandwagon...
Yeah, bored out of my skull. Remind me, have I been out of Scotland more than a week? Nah...
First of all, I guess I should be saying Merry Christmas? All together now 'edged steel rings, are you listening?'
I'm nineteen, studying marine biology, and recently interested in Norse history/re-enactment. I live in Scotland most of the time, and the Philippines during the holidays - with dubious cheer. Rauda/Roda/Rotha/Redjay is my alter-ego, and generally the pen-name I go by on the internet.
No idea what's going to go on this blog but I made a blogger account to follow some friends, and then figured I should probably do something with it. I've got a link to my blog with my short stories on it, anyway, and I'll probably use this for whatever springs to mind at any given hour in the day... For now, enjoy the ride?
First of all, I guess I should be saying Merry Christmas? All together now 'edged steel rings, are you listening?'
I'm nineteen, studying marine biology, and recently interested in Norse history/re-enactment. I live in Scotland most of the time, and the Philippines during the holidays - with dubious cheer. Rauda/Roda/Rotha/Redjay is my alter-ego, and generally the pen-name I go by on the internet.
No idea what's going to go on this blog but I made a blogger account to follow some friends, and then figured I should probably do something with it. I've got a link to my blog with my short stories on it, anyway, and I'll probably use this for whatever springs to mind at any given hour in the day... For now, enjoy the ride?
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